ERF Ministries Exposed

Man with many faces

Scottie Clarke, has many faces. What do I mean by many faces? Well let me tell you. He has several aliases.

1. John Scott Clarke

2. Jon Scott Clarke

3. Jon Scott Clark

4. Jon Clarke

5. Scottie Clarke

If you have given charity, favors, been manipulated by one of these names. I am sorry that you was a victim by this so call religious man.

Now having 5 aliases wouldn’t really work if he had just lived in just one place. Scottie has lived in Florida, California, Virginia and Connecticut under these names. These are just the names I know about and trust me when I find out more if there is any I will be letting everyone know. I will shout it from the mountain top! This guy has to be stopped! As I sit here and look at this, I am mortified by how many people in each of them states under each of those aliases he has hurt. Hurt by breaking up their home. Hurt by dragging someones children their divorce, poverty. Hurt cause he swindled all their money from them.
Lets just take a moment and just think about what this man has done.
If you have life has been destroyed by Mr. Scottie Clarke or what ever he called him self let me know. I want to hear from you. post your experience in the comments.

2 replies
  1. Anonymous says:

    !!!… Wish this was out there awhile ago!! I could have saved myself a lot of trouble and money. So I will share with you some of what happen to me.

    So I meet Scottie threw the website when I also reached out to see if there was anything I could do. After talking to him I sent some money in to help out with things but him and I kept talking after words. As time pass it started to get personal as well, which lead to a very romantic relationship. Here I am talking to this very attractive man and the way he talked would make you want to do anything for him and I did….. (which I so regret now)…….. So as the relation went one he kept asking for more money and mind you this is even before we meet. Like I remember this one time he ask for a large amount of money to buy some new musical instruments or boards.. it was something along those lines. (I am not musically inclined) But this was a large amount of money for me but I found away cause how he would talk to you would make you want to do anything to make it happen… Finally one day we had arranged to meet we didn’t live really close to each other so I sent him some money so we could meet. When we meet it was like fireworks going off. I was so in tuned to what he was saying and we had the same interest and it was amazing!! Plus amazing for him cause I paid for everything… he never even forked over one red cent. so this went on for a little while and it was all good until I got close to my saving drying up… So when he started to ask for more money to spend on him I started to say no cause I could no longer afford to buy him everything. Then that is when he started to distance him from me and it made me feel so horrible and I finally broke down and just spent everything I had so he could come back to me, which he did. Now once he found out I was flat broke and could barley make my ends meet cause I maxed out credit cards for him he dropped me….. HE dropped me so hard and so fast……….. Till this day I have never heard from him again or saw him again. Once I had no more funds to give me he was out. Listen to myself and it sounds like Scottie has taken a lot from this guy as well DON’T GIVE IN TO SCOTTIE or you will never climb out of the whole he will put you in!!

  2. exposeerf2015 says:

    Thanks for your story. My hope of this is to reach as many people as possible so they are not cheated on, money drained and just over all taken advantage from him.

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ERF Ministries and Scottie Clarke EXPOSED