ERF Ministries Exposed

Planting The Seed

What I would like to talk about today is my wife. She is loving, caring, beautiful, devoted to her faith and have never left our kids side since they have been born. She is well educated, smart and she is just one of those people you like to be around. Always positive even on the darkest days. So how could another man break down 14 years of marriage with 3 children?
This is what I have figured out so far. Scottie Clarke can break down your defenses by relating to a common ideal. A lot of this is done through religious belief. Since religious is how you come into the situation with him you have a preconceived notion that he is a safe person. He is a person that is built upon faith. So immediately your defenses are dropped. Now that the common ground he starts working his way around your life with strategically placed questions that gives him deep insight to your personal life. All of this seems harmless at first but, it serves a purpose. The purpose is to get you in place to be manipulated. He takes your answers and starts to plant a seed of doubt into your life. As that seeds grows he starts to put himself in the lime light as the one to fix the problem or the one if you send me this I can do this for you but with my wife he castes a seed to doubt in her faith. When he was done she didn’t believe in her faith anymore and he made her not believe in me anymore. He started to slide himself into my spot. Now over time he convinced my wife of 14 years that she needed to leave me and be with him. Now I am going to save that stuff for another post.
To end this I want to say Scottie Clarke is a master manipulator. He will talk you out of everything you own and love. He doesnt care about what happens to you after he gets what he wants. So take warning in me saying stay away from this guy. You don’t want to go down that path with him. This guy ruined my marriage, my family. You don’t want to go through what I have been through cause of him

5 replies
  1. Anonymous says:

    Waiting for more updates. Do you have any idea what has happened to Scottie? He hasn’t been making any new videos or posting on his Facebook or anything!

  2. exposeerf2015 says:

    We have more updates coming. Check back soon. On the lines Of what is Scottie is doing right now I haven’t heard.

  3. JEFFREY F COOK says:

    Hi, you have any more updates as to what Scott did to your marriage? What is the latest on your marriage?

  4. Anonymous says:

    My name is Pat,
    I have a close friend that has been suckered in by Scottie Clarke and his new associate JERRY TONEY.
    Jerry Toney has his own YouTube channel under his name.
    Remember this video title from Jerry Toney called,…
    “Iron Sharpens Iron”
    It is that video that prompted my friend to send 1000.00 dollars to Scottie Clarke.
    Hind sight is always 20/20
    I believe that Jerry Toney and Scottie Clarke are in fact working together to make not only a fast buck but a lot of fast bucks. All under the guise of poor Scottie Clarke needing help to pay his rent.
    My Friend sent this money believing he was doing the right thing.
    Just after sending that was of cash, Scottie Clarke makes a video about how he plans to goto a certain place to watcj the August 21 2017 eclipse with people like Paul Begley and such. Gotta have plenty of funds to do things like that don’t you?
    I submit that they (Jerry Toney and Scottie Clarke) already had those plans in place and Jerry made the videos (plural) of Scottie Clarke needing money for rent.
    I left several comments in both Scottie Clarke’s YouTube channel videos as well as Jerry Toney’Holier. NEITHER ONE WOULD COMMENT BACK TO ME!!!
    The only response I receive is from their loyal fans telling me how unspiritual I and my friend are in questioning how Scottie Clarke uses the money donations. SERIOUSLY???
    It has been a hard lesson learned, but if someone else out there can benefit from my friend’s mistake, then great!
    All I want to say to end this post is….

  5. Jane717 says:

    Your last “exposed” story about Scottie was in 2015 and I’m not quite sure if you were imply that he tried to take your wife away from you or have an affair?

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ERF Ministries and Scottie Clarke EXPOSED